
Latest SCEFL update

This communication has been sent to all member clubs today.

“Following the latest meeting of the league’s directors by video conference, we are pleased to confirm further financial benefits for member clubs.

We’ve already reduced annual fees for the 2020/21 season – saving every club £250 – at an overall financial cost to the league of £9,000.

In addition, as a gesture of goodwill given the events before and after March 14, all disciplinary charges from games played on this date will be expunged. However, disciplinary offences before this date will still stand.

Together with the cancellation of our annual dinner, this is a further saving for clubs in excess of £2,400.

As you’ll remember from our last update, we had the issue of outstanding registration fees. It was agreed that all registrations from the 2019/20 season will need to be paid in full. However, the directors have agreed to waiver charges for every member club in 2020/21 to register an initial squad of 18 players free of charge. This is a saving for clubs of nearly £1,000.

It means total savings of nearly £12,500 – with every club benefiting to the sum of at least £337.

Given the current financial pressures on clubs, the directors have also agreed that outstanding payments owed by clubs to the league will not be invoiced for until the end of September at the earliest.

None of us know when we will be able to start the 2020/21 season and we are still awaiting guidance from the FA with regards to forming a constitution.

However, we can still hold an annual general meeting and this will be carried out by video conference on the original date planned of Saturday, June 13. Further details will be sent out by league secretary Andy Short in due course.

Some items will not be on the agenda as usual so we expect to call an emergency general meeting once a start date for the new season is known to cover those items.

The directors would also like to thank those clubs who have already returned their surveys, and we look forward to receiving those findings shortly to help guide us in the way forward during the weeks and months ahead.

We were also delighted that vice-chairman John Moules was able to join us on the conference call as he continues to recover from Covid-19.

Our thanks to our member clubs for their patience during these times and once again we look forward to seeing everyone again as soon as it is safe to do so. Stay healthy and stay safe.”

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