Premier Division Top Goalscorers – 2022/23 Season
Congratulations to Glebe striker Jamie Philpot for winning the Premier Division Golden Boot for season 2022/23!
With 31 SCEFL League and League Cup goals Jamie held off fierce competition from the likes of Arlie Desanges, Louie Clarke, Trevor McCreadie and Steadman Callender.
The trophy will be presented to a representative at the forthcoming AGM
The Golden Boot competition was for SCEFL League and League Cup goals scored only.

Top goalscorer results are gathered in a few different ways.
– Texts sent in from home club
– Social Media
– FA Full Time
– Match Reports
All Home Clubs have to text the League with each scorers name shortly after the event.
In many cases the info from the texts is wrong though, especially for away scorers so we are constantly checking and double checking the information at our disposal.
In my desire to update the table quickly one or two results may be incorrect but they will be righted as and when the correct info comes through.
Ways to improve speed and accuracy of the tables are…
– Club texter to hold team sheets and provide correct info.
– Clubs to display team sheets for all to see so others may mention scorer on Social Media
– Clubs to put info up on Social Media soon after the game has finished, or during.
– Clubs to complete their FA Full Time responsibilities quicker.
Should you wish to challenge any of the results, feel free to drop us an email. I really want to get this 100% correct.
Although this is for SCEFL League and League Cup goals only we do hold the info for goals scored in all competitions to use as needed.
Any questions or possible corrections please drop Dean an email on so I can investigate.